Transcend your conditioning. Embrace your hidden parts and keep your protective reactions too. Witness and center yourself; coordinate your love life in ways that meet the needs of your wild and your controlled subs.
The cues have you relive a time when someone interfered with you so you snuffed or fixated on how you sense, do sex, or show love. Rescript yourself and consciously choose how you love. You stop reacting to other people from automatic reactions parents imprinted on you and choose reactions right for you now.

Bridgette Lyn Doldorf interviews Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin ~ 11/09/19 ~Revolution Radio

Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff ~ 11/17/19 ~ Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio ~ Hosts Janet Kira Lessin & Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin ~ Producer Thomas Becker, Studio B ~ 8 to 10 PM Eastern, 7  PM Central, 6 PM Mountain, 5 PM Pacific, 3 PM Hawaii time  Revolution Radio on  or Bridgette Lyn Dolgoff …

HOW I LOVE MY HUSBAND & HOW TO MAKE LOVE LAST by Janet Kira Lessin, CEO, Aquarian Radio

My current husband, Sasha, is my third husband. There’s nothing like having a first and second husband to really appreciate a third.
BENEFIT WHEN YOU BOND: Do-It-Yourself or with Partner Experiential cues

SOUL BEINGS by Janet Kira Lessin

SOUL BEINGS by Janet Kira Lessin June 16, 2013 Leave a CommentWritten by admin     The Love of Souls by Jean Deville We are beings eternally evolving, learning, growing, through lifetimes, here on the Earth and other planets, realms, dimensions. Sometimes we’re light beings while other times we alter, lower or raise our vibrational frequencies to merge …

APPRECIATE PLEASER & TAKER TOO: Experiential Teaching Exercise

The exercise below teaches you how to balance giving and taking–the concern of Chakra 3, your power chakra.
If you give too much, you deplete your energy and windup resenting those to whom you over-give.
 If you take too much, others regard you as selfish and avoid interacting with you.
 But if you learn, in the cue sequence below to assess situations and relationships from your center, you can consciously decide how much giving and taking to do in each situation and relationship in each specific context.  You also practice the basic process of coordinating your inner subselves meeting the underlying needs that motivate what them.